Deer Valley® Music Festival

Thank You to our donors

Thank You to our donors

Utah Symphony | Utah Opera is grateful to our generous donors who, through annual cash gifts and multi-year commitments, help us bring great live music to our community.

- In-kind Gift
** In-kind & Cash Gift
† Deceased
~ Designates DVMF sponsor and/or VIP package supporter

Deer Valley® Music Festival Founders

Mark & Dianne Prothro

Perkins - Prothro Foundation

Bill & Joanne Shiebler

Shiebler Family Foundation

Jim & Susan Swartz

Swartz Foundation

Millennium ($250,000 and above)

AHE/CI Trust
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Foundation
C. Comstock Clayton Foundation
George S. & Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation
Kem & Carolyn Gardner
Larry H. & Gail Miller Family Foundation
Stowell Leadership Group, LLC*
O.C. Tanner Company
Jacquelyn Wentz
Zions Bank

Encore ($100,000–$249,999)

Scott & Kathie Amann~
HJ & BR Barlow Foundation
Lawrence T. & Janet T. Dee Foundation
Marriner S. Eccles Foundation
Emma Eccles Jones Foundation
Frederick Q. Lawson Foundation
LOVE Communications**
Anthony & Renee Marlon~
John & Marcia Price Family Foundation
S.J. & Jessie E. Quinney Foundation
Shiebler Family Foundation~
Elizabeth Solomon
Sorenson Legacy Foundation~

Bravo ($50,000–$99,999)

Doyle Arnold & Anne Glarner~
Judy Brady† & Drew W. Browning
Larry Clemmensen~
John & Flora D’Arcy
Dominion Energy~
The Florence J. Gillmor Foundation
Grand America Hotel & Little America Hotel*
Brian & Detgen Greeff
Janet Q. Lawson Foundation
Edward Moreton
Estate of Linda & Donald Price
Patricia A. Richards & William K. Nichols~
Harris H. & Amanda Simmons
George Speciale
Naoma Tate & the Family of Hal Tate
Jim & Zibby Tozer~
Wheatley Family Charitable Fund

Overture ($25,000–$49,999)

Fran Akita
Arnold Machinery
Thomas Billings & Judge Judith Billings~
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Blair~
Bloomfield Family Foundation~
BMW of Murray/BMW of Pleasant Grov~
Cache Valley Electric
Deer Valley Resort~
John H.† & Joan B. Firmage
John H. & Carol Firmage
Kristen Fletcher & Dan McPhun~
David & Angela Glenn
Intuitive Funding~
Tom & Lorie Jacobson~
The Kahlert Foundation
The John C. Kish Foundation~
Thomas M. & Jamie Love~
McCarthey Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McEvoy~
Fred & Lucy Moreton
James & Ann Neal~
Charles Maxfield & Gloria F. Parrish Foundation
Mark & Dianne Prothro~
Perkins-Prothro Foundation~
Peggy & Ben Schapiro~
Theodore & Elizabeth Schmidt Foundation
Dewelynn & J. Ryan† Selberg
Joanne L. Shrontz Family Foundation
Simmons Family Foundation
The Sam† & Diane Stewart Family Foundation
Summit Sotheby’s~
Taft & Anne Symonds~
Nora Eccles Treadwell Foundation
John & Jean Yablonski~
Edward & Marelynn† Zipser

Maestro ($10,000–$24,999)

Dr. J.R. Baringer & Dr. Jeannette J. Townsend
B.W. Bastian Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Clisto Beaty~
Brent & Bonnie Jean Beesley Foundation
Bertin Family Foundation
Kirk & Sue Bostrom~
Berenice J. Bradshaw Trust
Diane & Hal Brierley
Judy & Larry Brownstein~
R. Harold Burton Foundation
Marie Eccles Caine Foundation-Russell Family
Shelly Coburn
Cultural Vision Fund
Dr. Kent C. DiFiore & Dr. Martha R. Humphrey
Kathleen Digre & Michael Varner
Pat & Sherry Duncan~
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Earle
Barry & Traci Eden
Mrs. Sarah Ehrlich
Matthew B. Ellis Foundation
Carolyn & Craig Enenstein~
Midge & Tom Farkas
Tom & Carolyn Fey~
Robert & Elisha Finney~
Brandon & Kristen Fugal
Gardner Company
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC
Greenberg Traurig~
Emily & Chauncey Hall
Douglas & Connie Hayes~
Richard K. & Shirley S. Hemingway Foundation~
Susan & Tom Hodgson~
Mary P.† & Jerald H. Jacobs Family
Annette & Joseph Jarvis
Joseph & Kathleen Sorenson Legacy Foundation
G. Frank & Pamela Joklik
Jeanne Kimball
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lansing~
Bill Ligety & Cyndi Sharp~
Tom & Janet McDougal~
Michal & Maureen Mekjian~
Jed Millburn~
The Millerberg Family Giving Fund
Harold W. & Lois Milner~
Terrell & Leah Nagata~
Metta Nelson Driscoll
Parr Brown Gee & Loveless
Leslie Peterson & Kevin Higgins
Frank R. Pignanelli & D’Arcy Dixon Pignanelli
Walter J. & Peggy Plumb
Stephen & Cydney Quinn~
Raymond James & Associates~
Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah
Albert J. Roberts IV
The Joseph & Evelyn Rosenblatt Charitable Fund
John F. Foley, M.D. & Dorene Sambado, M.D.
Semnani Family Foundation
David & Christine Smith~
St. Regis / Deer Crest Club**~
Stay Park City~
Mr. & Mrs. G. B. Stringfellow
Steve & Betty Suellentrop~
Chris Akita Sulser
Thomas & Marilyn Sutton~
The Swartz Foundation~
Brad E. & Linda P. Walton~
W. Mack & Julia S. Watkins Foundation
WCF Mutual Insurance~
The Christian V. & Lisa D. Young Family Foundation
Kathie Zumbro

Utah Symphony | Utah Opera is grateful to the following generous sponsors for supporting our 2022 Deer Valley® Music Festival.

Bronze ($8,000–$9,999)

4Girls Foundation
Anne Daigle & Rich Heyman
Howard & Ray Grossman
Sunny & Wes Howell
KKC Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Pignatelli
Quinn Family Charitable Foundation
Brooks & Lenna Quinn
Mitch & Shannon Rice
Richard & Carmen Rogers
Barbara & Paul Schwartz

Ambassador ($5,000–$7,999)

Maria & Bill Boyce
David & Deborah Brown
Ruth & Phil Davidson
John D Doppelheuer M.D. & Kirsten A. Hanson M.D.
Katie & Frank Dougherty
Carol & Greg Easton
Karen & Earl Enzer
Jack & Marianne Ferraro
Tom & Carolyn Fey
Grandeur Peak Global Advisors
Holland & Hart
Hotel Park City/Ruth’s Chris Restaurant
Jill Johnson
Brian & Nancy Kennedy
In loving memory of Gary B. Kitching M.D.
Dan & Deena Lofgren
W. C. Moeller & Joanne Moeller
Sari & Daniel Schachtel
Mary & Doug Sinclair
Craig Stuart
Tim & Judy Terrell
Mark Weinstein
Douglas & Becky Wood

Patron ($3,000–$4,999)

Marcia Aaron
Robert & Cherry Anderson
P.J. Aniello
Pam & Paul Apel
Tina & John Barry
Charles & Jennifer Beckham
Alice & Bill Bierer
Big D Construction
Michael & Vickie Callen
Dr.† & Mrs. Anthony Carter
Charlene Carter
Mark & Marcy Casp
Blair Childs & Erin Shaffer
Dr. Sidney Cole, Sr.
Cindy Corbin
Rod & Kim Cullum
Michael & Sheila Deputy
Karey & Phillip Dye
Barbara & Melvin Echols
Hans & Nanci Fastre
James Finch
Blake & Linda Fisher
Karen & Pat Fletcher
Shawn & Karin Fojtik
James & Adele Forman
Tom & Darlis Fuller
Mr. Joseph F. Furlong III
Robert & Annie-Lewis Garda
Kenneth & Amy Goodman
Shari Gottlieb
Sue & Gary Grant
Mary Haskins
Ken & Nancy Heaps
Don Hendricks
Michael Huerta & Ann Sowder
Howard & Merele Kosowsky
Deborah & Gary Lambert
Michael Liess
Grant Lippincott & Donna Walsh
John & Kristine Maclay
Steve & Marion Mahas
Keith & Vicki Maio
Miriam Mason & Greg Glynnis
Karen & Mike McMenomy
Clayton McNeel
Cyrus & Roseann Mirsaidi
Michael E. Montgomery
Glenn & Dav Mosby
Vincent & Elizabeth Novack
Lee & John Rippel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rollo
Rebecca Roof & Gary Smith
Nathan & Shannon Savage
Dru & Debbie Schmitt
Lisa & Joel Shine
Christine St. Andre & Cliff Hardesty
Roberta Stanley
Ray & Ann Steben
Briant Summerhays
Richard Valliere
Gerard & Sheila Walsh
Renee & Dale Waters
Betsey & Scott Wertheimer
Kelly & James Whitcomb
Cindy Williams
Barry & Fran Wilson
Peter Zutty

Grass Pass ($2,000–$2,999)

Sue Barsamian
Margarita Donnelly
Caroline & David Hundley
Francis Jayne Roth
Stephen & Liz Watson
Emily & Danny Weingeist

VIP for a Night ($1,000–$1,999)

George & Katie Coleman
Matthew Follett
Sheila & David Gardner
LeeAnn Havner
Barbara Higgins
Mary Koch
Patricia & Mark Lucas
George & Jan Pilko
Nancy Rossman
Lori Turner
Robert Young

Utah Symphony | Utah Opera expresses deep gratitude to donors who, over the past 19 seasons, through extraordinary generosity have made the Deer Valley® Music Festival a resounding success. We appreciatively acknowledge cumulative giving in support of USUO & the Festival.


Diane & Hal Brierley
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Foundation
Deer Valley Resort
Dominion Energy
George S. & Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation
Marriner S. Eccles Foundation
Kem & Carolyn Gardner
LOVE Communications

The Tony & Renee Marlon Charitable Foundation / Anthony & Renee Marlon
O.C. Tanner Company
Perkins-Prothro Foundation / Mark & Dianne Prothro
Patricia A. Richards & William K. Nichols
Shiebler Family Foundation / Joanne & Bill Shiebler
Sorenson Legacy Foundation
The Swartz Foundation / James R. & Susan Swartz
Zions Bank

$250,000 – 499,999

Scott & Kathleen Amann
Marty & Jane† Greenberg
Richard K. & Shirley S. Hemingway Foundation
Holland & Hart
Thomas & Lorie Jacobson
Montage Deer Valley
Jim† & Marilyn Parke
Alice & Frank Puleo
St Regis Deer Valley

Stein Eriksen Lodge**
WCF Mutual Insurance Company

Utah Symphony | Utah Opera would like to especially thank our major sources of public funding that help us to fulfill our mission and serve our community.

National Endowment for the Arts
Orem City CARE Tax
Salt Lake City Arts Council
Salt Lake County Zoo, Arts & Parks
Summit County Restaurant Tax / RAP Tax~
Utah Department of Cultural & Community Engagement
Utah Division of Arts & Museums
Utah State Legislature
Utah State Board of Education
Utah Office of Tourism

Grandeur Peaks