Deer Valley® Music Festival
Thank You to our donors
Thank You to our donors
Utah Symphony | Utah Opera is grateful to our generous donors who, through annual cash gifts and multi-year commitments, help us bring great live music to our community.
- In-kind Gift
** In-kind & Cash Gift
† Deceased
~ Designates DVMF sponsor and/or VIP package supporter
Deer Valley® Music Festival Founders
Mark & Dianne Prothro
Perkins - Prothro Foundation
Bill & Joanne Shiebler
Shiebler Family Foundation
Jim & Susan Swartz
Swartz Foundation
Millennium ($250,000 and above)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Foundation
George S. & Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation~
Kem & Carolyn Gardner
O.C. Tanner Company~
Zions Bank~
Encore ($100,000–$249,999)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Lawrence T. & Janet T. Dee Foundation
Alex & Debbie Dunn
O.C. Tanner Company
Bravo ($50,000–$99,999)
BMW of Murray/BMW of Pleasant Grove~
Doyle Arnold & Anne Glarner~
Judy Brady & Drew W. Browning
Larry Clemmensen~
John & Flora D’Arcy
Dominion Energy~
John† H. & Joan B. Firmage~
John & Carol Firmage~
The Grand America Hotel & Little America Hotel\*
The John C. Kish Foundation~
Janet Q. Lawson Foundation
Perkins-Prothro Foundation~
Mark & Dianne Prothro~
John & Marcia Price Foundation
S.J. & Jessie E. Quinney Foundation
Patricia A. Richards & William K. Nichols~
Harris H. & Amanda P. Simmons Foundation
George Speciale
Wheatley Family Charitable Fund
Overture ($25,000–$49,999)
Scott & Kathie Amann~
Arnold Machinery
Thomas Billings & Judge Judith Billings~
Jim and Susan Blair~
Carol Franc Buck Foundation
Cache Valley Electric
C. Comstock Clayton Foundation
Deer Valley Resort*
Kristen Fletcher & Dan McPhun~
Brian & Detgen Greeff
Intuitive Funding~
Tom & Lorie Jacobson~
Joseph & Kathleen Sorenson Legacy Foundation
The Kahlert Foundation
McCarthey Family Foundation
Charles & Pat McEvoy~
Fred & Lucy Moreton
Moreton Family Foundation
Charles Maxfield & Gloria F. Parrish Foundation
James & Ann Neal~
Promontory Foundation~
Kenneth† & Jerrie Randall
Ben & Peggy Schapiro~
Theodore & Elizabeth Schmidt Family Foundation
Joanne L. Shrontz Family Foundation
Simmons Family Foundation
Summit Sotheby’s~
Jonathan & Anne Symonds~
Naoma Tate & the Family of Hal Tate
Jim & Zibby Tozer~
Nora Eccles Treadwell Foundation
John & Jean Yablonski~
Edward & Marelynn† Zipser
Maestro ($10,000–$24,999)
Austin & Kristi Bankhead
HJ & BR Barlow Foundation
B.W. Bastian Foundation
Suzanne & Clisto Beaty~
Brent & Bonnie Jean Beesley Foundation
Bertin Family Foundation
Berenice J. Bradshaw Trust
Diane & Hal Brierley~
Judy & Larry Brownstein~
R. Harold Burton Foundation
Caffé Molise*
Marie Eccles Caine Foundation-Russell Family
The Christian V. and Lisa D. Young Family Foundation
Shelly Coburn
Cranshaw Corporation
Cultural Vision Fund
Pat & Sherry Duncan~
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Earle~
Barry & Traci Eden
Matthew B. Ellis Foundation
Carolyn & Craig Enenstein~
Midge & Tom Farkas
Lynn & Tom Fey~
Robert & Elisha Finney~
Gardner Company
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC
Greenberg Traurig~
Douglas & Connie Hayes~
Richard K. & Shirley S. Hemingway Foundation~
Susan & Tom Hodgson~
Mary P.† & Jerald H. Jacobs Family
Stephen C.† and Lynda M. Jacobsen
Johnson Foundation of the Rockies
G. Frank & Pamela Joklik
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lansing~
Bill Ligety & Cyndi Sharp~
Tom & Jamie Love~
Microsoft Corporation*
Jed Millburn~
Amanda & Spencer Millerberg
Harold W. & Lois Milner~
Edward Moreton
Terrell & Leah Nagata~
Park City Chamber/Visitor’s Bureau
Parr Brown Gee & Loveless
Leslie Peterson & Kevin Higgins
Frank R. Pignanelli & D’Arcy Dixon
Stephen & Cydney Quinn~
David & Shari Quinney
Raymond James~
Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah
Albert J. Roberts IV
Richard & Carmen Rogers~
The Joseph & Evelyn Rosenblatt Charitable Fund
Miguel Rovira
Sandefur Schmidt
Semnani Family Foundation
St. Regis / Deer Crest Club*
Mr. & Mrs. G. B. Stringfellow
Steve & Betty Suellentrop~
Thomas & Marilyn Sutton~
The Swartz Foundation~
Norman C. & Barbara L. Tanner Second Charitable Trust
Teoma Corporate LLC
W. Mack and Julia S. Watkins Foundation
WCF Insurance
Y2 Analytics_
Kathie & Hugh Zumbro
Utah Symphony | Utah Opera is grateful to the following generous sponsors for supporting our 2022 Deer Valley® Music Festival.
Bronze ($8,000–$9,999)
4Girls Foundation
Bill & Susan Bloomfield
Charlotte & Bill Browning
Anne Daigle & Rich Heyman
Marian Davis & David Parker
Ray & Howard Grossman
Sunny & Wes Howell
Rick & Paulette Katzenbach
Hallie & Ted McFetridge
Michal & Maureen Mekjian
Brooks & Lenna Quinn
Barbara & Paul Schwartz
Brad E. & Linda P. Walton
Ambassador ($5,000–$7,999)
Maria & Bill Boyce
David & Deborah Brown
Hannalorre Chahine
Jack & Marianne Ferraro
Grandeur Peak Global Advisors
Goldman Sachs
Holland & Hart
Hotel Park City*
In Memory of Gary Kitching M.D.
Howard & Merele Kosowsky
Dan & Deena Lofgren
Robert & Kim Marling
Tom & Janet McDougal
Joyce Rice
Sea to Ski Premier Home Management
Brent & Lisa Shafer
Mary & Doug Sinclair
Craig Stuart
Tim & Judy Terrell
Victory Ranch
Douglas & Rebecca Wood
YESCO Outdoor Media*
Patron ($3,000–$4,999)
Robert & Cherry Anderson
Pam & Paul Apel
Tina & John Barry
Charles & Jennifer Beckham
BioSelective Capital Investments
The Blue Wave Car Wash
Michael & Vickie Callen
Vincent Cannella
Dr.† & Mrs. Anthony Carter
Mark & Marcy Casp
George & Katie Coleman
Debbi & Gary Cook
Cindy Corbin
Ruth & Phil Davidson
Michael & Sheila Deputy
Margarita Donnelly
John D Doppelheuer M.D. & Kirsten A. Hanson M.D.
Karey & Phillip Dye
Carol & Greg Easton
Barbara & Melvin Echols
Nanci & Hans Fastre
Blake & Linda Fisher
Adele & James Forman
Thomas & Darlis Fuller
Joe & Dixie Furlong
Robert & Annie Lewis Garda
Amy & Ken Goodman
Shari Gottlieb
Sue & Gary Grant
Susan Graves
Mary Haskins
Nancy & Ken Heaps
Don Hendricks
Michael Huerta & Ann Sowder
Hyatt Centric Park City
Jim & Carol Katsikas
Les Kratter
Michael Liess
John & Kristine Maclay
Keith & Vicki Maio
Miriam Mason & Greg Glynis
Karen & Mike McMenomy
Glenn & Dav Mosby
Ashton & Becky Newhall
Vincent & Elizabeth Novack
Charlotte & Pat O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Pignatelli
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rollo
Rebecca Roof & Gary Smith
Lisa & Joel Shine
Spitzberg-Rothman Foundation
Ray and Ann Steben
Toni Stein
Richard E. Valliere
Gerard & Sheila Walsh
Renee & Dale Waters
Betsy & Scott Wertheimer
Kelly & James Whitcomb
Cindy Williams
Barry & Fran Wilson
Kay Winzenried
Bruce Woollen
Peter Zutty
Grass Pass ($2,000–$2,999)
Sue Barsamian
Donna Birsner
Blair Childs & Erin Shaffer
Caroline & David Hundley
Stephen Watson
Emily & Danny Weingeist
VIP for a Night ($1,000–$1,999)
Craig & Joanna Adamson
Marlene Abbott Barber
Sarah Bienvenue & Jake Tingley
Karen Fletcher
Kimberly & Mark O. Haroldsen
LeeAnn Havner
Jeanne Kimball
Gary & Debbie Lambert
Robert & Rochelle Light
Robin & Richard Milne
Gayle & Sam Youngblood